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My cat keeps killing animals

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kazzianne | 09:00 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Animals & Nature
24 Answers
Help!! I have 3 cats,who all occasionally kill a mouse or shrew,and deposit it in the kitchen or at the bottom the stairs for us to find,and whilst this annoying ,we can cope with it.However,the middle one,a female called Meg,is now dragging whole rabbits intp the house.I got up this morning to find a fully grown,disembowelled rabbit at the foot of the stairs,and blood everywhere.This has happened more than once.I have had to wash blood off the walls where she has dragged it in - god knows how she got it in the cat flap!! What do I do?? We cant go on like this - we dread looking down the stairs in the morning now to see what is lying there.


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I think the only honest soloutions would be to get rid of the cat flap or don't have cats.
i have 2 indoor cats, anytime a mosquito or junebug (any insect really...including a bee) gets inside the house they tagteam it and catch it fairly quickly...i think the bugs tire out...LOL.
i used to have a cat that stayed out at nite and came in during the day....she'd bring back lots of birds and lizards, "PRESENTS", and i'd stroke her and say good kitty. ^_^ and then yell for my mom to come get them....hey, i was only 11 at the time.
Hi we have 2 cats both females and 1 of ours is a bird killer, she is always locked in at night. She used to catch between 2-3 birds in a week, have you every awoke to hear a bird screaming for its life, its the most horrible sound. Yes she brings them in alive and lets them fly around the house. In the end we got her a sonic cat coller from Pets at Home for �9.99. Which works great for us, every time she pounces a light goes off and it makes a beeping sound. She catches about 1 a month now if that. I dont know if it will work for your cat, but its worth a try!

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