Quizzes & Puzzles6 mins ago
Local Crossword
16 Answers
New-to ocean travel? (5) ??E?N
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Green was answered in this Crosswords thread for the same clue in June (North Star Cryptic)
http:// www.the answerb ank.co. uk/Quiz zes-and -Puzzle s/Cross words/Q uestion 1147521 .html
same clue used here
http:// www.the globean dmail.c om/puzz les-and -crossw ords/cr yptic-c rosswor d/?L=pr int& ;D=0901 13& T=0& ;S=0
I'll see if I can work out the reason- or an alternative answer
I'll see if I can work out the reason- or an alternative answer
And it was GREEN here in 2011
http:// www.the answerb ank.co. uk/Quiz zes-and -Puzzle s/Cross words/Q uestion 1058941 .html
And in 1982 in Glasgow Herald
http:// news.go ogle.co m/newsp apers?n id=2507 &da t=19820 816& ;id=XPk 9AAAAIB AJ& sjid=Wk kMAAAAI BAJ& ;pg=618 8,25501 08