his wife said he was still sober at the end - but for an alcoholic (unlike others) it's a battle just staying that way. I guess there's a point where there are just too many battles to fight.
Actually his wife reported today (8/14) that he had early Alzheimers. Additionally, news reports indicate he was nearly bankrupt, which is hard to imagine considering all the income he must have generated over the years...
He had 2 ex wives and 3 (or 4 ?) children to support, as well as his current wife. With alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, Parkinson's and possibly alzheimer's I don't blame him one iota for wanting to end it all.
his wife said he was still sober at the end - but for an alcoholic (unlike others) it's a battle just staying that way. I guess there's a point where there are just too many battles to fight.
Well personally i wished he said "YES i am an alcoholic and YES i have anxiety and depression and YES i also have parkinsons disease and YES i'm going to fight these *** ALL THE WAY!! As i would a family member and not "Understand" why they did it at all.
I was one of robins biggest fans and hate that he's gone but still love the smiling happy robin we all once knew and the memories we all have of his work here on earth before he departed. R.I.P Robin, you're truly missed!
Henrietta, unless you have been there or known people with the depressive aspect of bi polar, can i suggest that you don't know what you are talking about?
I'm sorry if iv'e upset you woofgang but i have a friend who killed himself and 2 friends who attempted to kill themselves. I myself have suffered all my life from bullying and have also suffered deep depression and suicidal thoughts so i think i'm educated enough to have an opinion here especially with someone i was a huge fan of who suffered the same illness's i had bar parkinsons.
You haven't upset me at all and I apologise, but I still think that for many people who are bipolar that its something that they can't fight. You might as well say that an amputee should grow a new limb.
^Please don't view that as being said in a rude fashion as iv'e just reread it and don't like the tone it's giving my typing which wasn't typed out angrily or rude and thank you for the apology but you have nothing to apologise for as you don't know me or my history as i don't really broadcast it around on the net as i like to try and keep quiet about my past, blend in to avoid being judged so no one would blame you at this time of mourning for any irrational or some would say rational behavior and certainly not me so please turn your frown upside down :)