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What's Your Favourite Cliff Song?

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sandyRoe | 23:25 Thu 14th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
I always had a soft spot for this


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Are you suggesting that he's a puer aeternus?
don't have one. never could stand him. hate his silly, childish voice.
Typical British Public, jump on the Guilty wagon before the bloke defends himself.
Blimey Ovid first thing in the morning, it'll be Ferrero Rocher next you're spoiling us that much Sandy ;-)
I actually love that song but I can't stand him Minty :)
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Know what you mean shar..but very good live...
Very definitely innocent until proven guilty C&J.
I'm irritated by both 'camps' trotting out the ' no smoke without fire' and 'Oh not him I LIKE him he couldn't possibly have done anything like that' party lines. It's pointless because no-one knows:(
I heard someone else say he was good live Minty- he's just not my kind of artist though- nothing against the man, he just makes my flesh crawl as I think he's cheesy, but does do some very good songs.
Cheesy no doubt....defo innocent till proven otherwise....lives have been ruined by false , greed motivated , accusations.....don't know him so can't say if Iike him or not, but like his music...generally middle of road, bouncy and inoffensive with some very nice ballads....hope he comes out unscathed though !
Silence is golden perhaps ? ( the silent version)
Two little boys perhaps ?
His 1995 offering 'Misunderstood Man' is a contender.
LOL Douglas !
Sandy , funny how the simplest sentence can be misconstrued :o)

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What's Your Favourite Cliff Song?

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