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Hot Legs!!!

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Milosevic | 09:35 Sat 16th Aug 2014 | Law
7 Answers
For about the past week I've had a really odd sensation in my left leg below the knee and sort of to the inner side. It feels really hot inside almost like I'm sitting very close to some heat source. It's not painful in any way and I haven't got any lesions or marks on the outside of my leg and my leg feels cool on the outside. Any ideas??! I've googled it but to no avail & I'm really puzzled now!!


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Got Scabies in Bosnia. Sounds similar, though by now you should have some red spots or tiny bits of blood on your leg...
09:38 Sat 16th Aug 2014
you may get some answers if you get this moved to body and soul.
Got Scabies in Bosnia. Sounds similar, though by now you should have some red spots or tiny bits of blood on your leg...
dont know the law on "hot legs syndrome" milo
Oh I do...

dont expose 'hot legs' ....... in public

but I will have a look in private if you pay me a decent fee .....
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Thanks do I do that??
huhh ?
look under topics ?
I don't know either, but I have exactly the same thing!! I'll be interested to see the answers when you post it in Body & Soul.

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Hot Legs!!!

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