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Hot Legs?!

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lainiej | 18:18 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | Health & Fitness
15 Answers
I keep getting the feeling that the outside of my left calf is hot but it isn't hot to touch. It lasts about 5 seconds and feels like there's a blast of hot air coming from somewhere. I'm 54 and female. Any ideas please?


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lainiej, Mine is more of a feeling of warm water pouring down, not hot air.
I've never told a Doctor but there's bits on goggle.
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have you been experiencing it for long arwyn? It seems to have been only the past week for me
maybe 2 ish month, both lower legs and it moves around ie ankle, calf, shin.
Same as you it never lasts long.
Well ladies you certainly had me fooled, when I saw the title I was expecting it to be about one of Rod Stewart's records ;-)
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ha ha! that was the idea tonyav !
Tony, now I'm singing that in my head :)
Right then lainiej, just for that.
Are you a worrier lainiej ? if you see your G.P about it let me know what it is.
Maybe mine is different as mine's both legs.
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The very fab My Stewart! Not sure arwyn..lets face it getting a GP appt is a miracle in itself!
You ought to get it checked out though, lainej.
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guess so :(
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thanks peeps! you do the same arwyn x
My legs are pretty hot too, but I don't boast about them usually.

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