With the events that is happening with these scum leaving the UK to fight in Syria / Iraq / are you becoming concerned when you go out shopping if you live in a large City? What should this & every party vote on? should they check on the age / person / the area they come from / purpose of their visit & take action accordingly?
Going about my daily life thankfully doesn't scare me - we were well used to having our bags checked and shops being evacuated if an object left by a shopper during the IRA troubles.
No, I`m not worried about going about my daily business - that`s the least of my worries. I remember after 9/11 having a conversation with a colleague and she said "I worry about who`s coming into our country" and I said "I worry about those that are already here". Looks like it`s coming to fruition.
The IRA blew up my town centre some years back killing two little lads and injuring many more. I missed the carnage by about 10 minutes! For a time I was scared to do my shopping in town, but not any more.