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SpikeyBush | 23:12 Fri 29th Aug 2014 | Jokes
6 Answers
A young lady entered the police station to make a complaint. She started explaining to the officer at the desk the sequence of events.

"A man drew up to the pavement in his car beside me with the window open and asked me to help him as he was lost. He had a road atlas on his lap and as he asked me to help with directions he opened the atlas and through a hole that was cut in the map he had his todger showing."

The officer apologised in advance of his next question, explaining that he had to ask as a matter of procedure. "Was he in a state of arousal?"

"No, I think it was a Toyota" she replied.


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I like that one...........
Made me laugh - especially the bit about having to ask the question as a matter of procedure - any chance that this is authentic ?

Another Blonde gag!
Was it a MG Midget?

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