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Attn Dot Hawkes

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Dee Sa | 08:28 Sun 07th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
please can you tell me is Garth appearing in Vegas in November ? because if so I need to book tickets now, I have tried myself but have not got very far, I know he has some contract with the Wynne or did have.


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10:30 PM Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Allstate Arena
Rosemont, IL Tickets

Is this any help, mabe not what you are referring to
6:00 PM Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Allstate Arena
Rosemont, IL Tickets
Can't get link to go through from my iPad. Just type in Garth
Sorry, can't find anything for November

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Attn Dot Hawkes

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