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Caran | 23:12 Sun 14th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Walked miles today at Frampton on Severn Country show. There was 400 odd stalls, sure we didn't get round them all. Brilliant show though, lots going on in different show rings.
Now I'm all behind with my crosswords. Still got a backlog from holidays. When I get overwhelmed with them I cut them out and put them in a plastic pocket for when we are on holiday and can't get papers.


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Not til you get home and kick off the shoes that you realise just how far you have walked, Caran....glad you had a good day.....I've been idleish....x
Morning Caran. xxx

Frampton show is always good. I didn't go this year though. It's about six miles from me.

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