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Barsel | 20:05 Thu 18th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Does everyone on The Answer Bank get an email every time they get a reply to a question they asked or is there a way of opting out of this?


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Barsel, when you type a question, there is a small 'Subscribe' box on the bottom of your post which automatically ticks to keep you up to date with your threads responses. All you have to do is un-tick this box before you post your question, and Bobs yer uncle, no more emails :-)
Peas, it only automatically ticks if you have your profile set that way
Ah, in that case Barsel, Hopkirk has the right answer :-)
I didn't know that - I have to deliberately subscribe to my own questions if I want to track replies. I like it like that.
Question Author
Thanks for that, have now edited my profile.
I used to but changed it all, so, the answer to your question is NO, I now don't.

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