it was the Scottish government that decided the entitlement to vote - that many English living in Scotland could, whilst many expat scots could not, was entirely the fault of the SNP-led government. it ill becomes them now to whinge about English voters.
I don't know what you're on about, jude. Amongst the many Scots we know (having married into a large Scottish family), more voted no than yes - they didn't want to break away. Don't blame the English, don't "blame" anyone - it's a democratic vote. You might just as well ask why did the immigrant people living in Scotland get a vote, or do you think that it was the teenagers who voted against. We don't know, and we probably never will.
if you hadn't run away from the redcoats, as fast as your chafed, pasty little legs could carry you 300 years ago, you wouldn't be having these problems today.