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Autumnal Colds And Chills

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sandyRoe | 09:45 Mon 22nd Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Sneezing, sore throats, not feeling 100%, are there more bugs and viruses about now or is it just as you get on a bit you notice them more?


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no cold spell.

Didnt the flu epidemic 1957 in Russia perish during their winter ?
and plague in 1665 ? I recollect having to learn this as an effect of weather on epidemic diseases
any viruses floating around may be getting stuck onto your stubble/beard ?
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But if it was acting as a filter wouldn't I be feeling fitter?
only if you wash the stubble/beard 3 times a day with TCP !
There is a lot of it about, there was a bit in the paper last week about mozzies who are finding their way to the UK with the warmer temperature, and one, though not dangerous to most people, brings a coldy-chilly type virus with it.

Sandy, the beard only acts as a health accessory if you strain your soupl through it :-)
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When I was younger I sported a Zapata moustache. If I got peckish of an afternoon I used to suck the ends to get a reminder of what I'd had for lunch.
It is more prevalent at this time of year because the children have just gone back to school and are passing virus' amongst themselves which they then bring home and pass to parents and siblings. It is very well known that cases of meningitis always go up at this time of year for the same reason.
Sandy - sorry to hear you are not feeling too good.

Though, I have never tried it myself but my bro did - night nurse, or day nurse. Get something like that maybe to ease it a little.

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