Today Mic has driven me round the bend, I'm worn out mentally. At about 5.30 I told him I needed to go to the shop to buy bread and not to call me as I wouldn't hear him. I poured myself a B&C, picked up my fags and went and sat on the step. A couple of local cats came by and we had a little play. When they realised I had nothing for them to eat they left. At least you know where you are with cupboard love.
A little practical help if I may Jeza.
I don't know about your area, but here we have a "Carers Association". They do things on a regular basis for carers, I get a phone call bi weekly, and offers to have a free break. (I can't because we have pets.)
They have advice givers, and get togethers. (Too far from me).
Might be worth asking ??
Jeza - I cared for my father, mother, grandmother & brother & I really know how you felt today. As others have mentioned, some "me time" is vital to keep your head right - you (as did I) can have a little weep in solitude then dry your eyes & soldier on.
You're a strong, brave woman & you & Mic have lots of friends on AB :-)
Crikey, don't feel bad about that little bit of 'me' time.
Some parents have to resort to it with a screaming baby - make sure the baby is safe and sound, shut the door and sit at the bottom of the garden for five minutes.
Sorry, I also carry a card, that if I get taken to hospital, they offer 48 hour respite care.... just let me see if there is an email addy on it.
No sorry.
I have said this before but it bears repeating. Jeza I an in awe of your courage and strength.
I don't often quote the bible but this has always seemed to me to apply particularly to carers
" I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful."
also as I am sure Mic would want to say
"Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
“Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all.” "
Jeza, I truly did not know that you are a carer for Mic & I sincerely apologise for my outburst. I can see now just how a little bit of me time is so deserved.
jeza you need a little me time sometimes. I am full of admiration for you as I don't think I could do as you do. please see if there is a carers association near you. I had a friend who used to run one and she said it was very rewarding. before that she had been a carer for her father and her mother.
Do not feel guilty Jeza. It's your life too. If you do not have a break occasionally without feeling guilty you would not be able to devote the rest of your time to Mic.
Be assured that yours is not cupboard love.
Jeza,you are a superstar,but even superstars need a little break every now and then, don't be ashamed or sorry to disappear to the step with your fags and B&C and your new furry friends EVERYBODY in a situation like yours needs to have a little time just for themselves.
The stress of caring can grind you down if you're not careful. Carers really need a bit of time to recharge the batteries. You've nothing to feel guilty about.
Hi Jeza - have been reading of the lovely posts to you and indeed you are a brave lady.
I remember when I was caring for my mother (my brother lived with us as well) but the responsibility always lay with me. Anyhow, mother played me up one Saturday after I had worked all that week in my job. Came home, made dinner, cleaned the house, changed her and bedclothes. She annoyed me so much that I literally ran away from home for a weekend. And I was 30 so everybody needs ME time. God bless.