i wanted so many things at your age. You may think your parents can afford things, but perhaps they can't? It wasn't in my parents nature to talk about finances in front of the kids, I didn't realise until a lot of years later how much we struggled. I used to feel embarrassed as my friends had everything - their parents had lots of money, I pretended that I had my own style and what I wore was what I wanted. Not actually the case! Do you NEED this bed? If so, look at jobs that you can do to earn some pocket money. Make a deal with your parents so they see you as grown up as your sister. For EXAMPLE, you will clean the toilet and wash up for X amount of months, and walk your grandparents dog until the desired bed is 'paid' for. Find out the minimum wage to work out how many hours you would need to 'work' to pay for this. You'd be amazed how your mature outlook could get you what you want. Good luck