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Tv Licensing - Harrassment!

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10ClarionSt | 14:30 Sat 11th Oct 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I'm sick to death of these people phoning me and sending letters saying I haven't paid, when in fact I paid 5 weeks ago. Their reminders say to ignore them if I've already paid, so I have done what they say and ignored them. I've now been informed that my house is under investigation. When they phoned again yesterday, I told them I was going to sue them for harassment, as I have paid and don't owe them anything. I intend to see a solicitor on Monday.


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If you have nothing to worry about, ignore. It's not worth the hassle.
They do much the same of you have no TV and get fed up of telling them again and again. Just bin the letters. They are all standard ones anyway, trying to get you to do what they tell you. Let them investigate away if it turns them on.
I had the same problem years ago when I went about two years without a TV,in fact the detector vans spent that much time trying to catch me that the joke in the pub was that our estate was the only one in the country that was 100% TV licenced.It only stopped when I sent a rather nasty letter telling them they'd soon be hearing from my solicitor that they finally stopped.
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TV Licence costs enough in the first place, no point in throwing more cash after it by involving a Solicitor. They're the ones chasing their tails, let them get on with it!
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Didn't know they did that sort of thing, since leaving The RMs I've been Self Employed most of the time up to early retirement at end of June, never had anything to do with them.
You say that you paid 5 weeks ago...but are you SURE that they received the payment? The reason I ask....about four years ago, I paid my car insurance by telephone to MoreThan. Several weeks later, I realised that my credit card bill had not shown the payment...and, when I checked, I found that MoreThan's system had not actually processed the amount!
I pay my TV License monthly and have done for nearly 30 years. You don't have to remember to pay it every year, and is easier to pay small monthly installments. I have never had anything in the way of harassment ever.

So why don't you investigate this much easier way of paying ? Its only £12 a month ! :::

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How did you pay? After 5 weeks it should be showing up on your bank statement. If you can get a copy of the payment, your bank will give you a copy if you ask, then mail it to head office with a stern letter.
our posts crossed, in that case you have nothing to worry about, bin the letters and let them get onwith it,its there time they are wasting. Just make sure you have a copy of the payment when they come knocking on your door. i doubt they ever will though.
Don't over react 10. YOU have done nothing wrong so don't worry. Pay it monthly by DD in future. In the meantime, try to ignore them ! They are incompetent idiots.

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