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How Do You Find Out

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High5 | 21:00 Sun 02nd Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Others birthdays ?


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ask them ....
21:11 Sun 02nd Nov 2014
ask them ....
I don't.
Why would I want to ?
If you mean on here, it's because people have said "it's my birthday today/tomorrow". When's yours?
...and once revealed, one or two people keep a list in order to celebrate by giving each one a birthday announcement.
I may have mentioned once or twice or thrice or more........CHRISTMAS DAY ! ..:-D ..LOL
Glad you reminded me about that, minty. I may have forgotten else ;-)
As if Tone !!! lol
Remember , remember the 5th of November,It's my birthday. :-) x
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why Barcel's birthday will ever be forgot ☺
What a nice bit of poetry sandyRoe x
Shelley couldn't have done as well.
Shame you couldn't spell Barsel.

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