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Immigrants At Calias.

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TWR | 07:27 Tue 04th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
What is your views?

How can they sort it?

Does the UK have a responsibility to assist?

Is it our problem or the French?

Should the French take more responsibility & move the people away from the port?



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It is a French problem, it is 20 miles away from us over the Channel, the French need to get their act together and sort it, they appear to be on the side of the immigrants at the moment, but then it's nothing new for them to align themselves with invasive foreigners is it?
TWR - The Lamplighter has a beer festival this month :-)
There is a world of difference between genuine asylum seekers and economic immigrants. I don't blame either for trying to better their life, but the former, we have a moral duty to help, the latter not; in fact we have a moral duty to our existing citizens not to open the gates to incomers when we are already full.

Asylum seekers, for sure one could argue they could be evenly distributed throughout the EU, but this would be a concession since not every EU country is right next to one with genuine human rights issues.

But economic immigrant ought to be prevented from entering the EU in the first place and not encouraged to move between EU countries, but back where they came to make their own country a better place.

The problem with French camps full of folk trying to get here is a French problem. One they are trying to pass over to us. And it isn't on. It's no good claiming it's our own fault for having adequate Welfare in place. That we choose a level of aid to our own citizens is out own decision. That is for our own citizens not for freeloaders arriving who have never contributed. It is an EU failure, letting folk in willy nilly, and the EU should sort it. With special emphasis to those countries who either let them in, or let them gather to try an illegal entry elsewhere.
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It would be too far to travel just for a Beer Night Ummmm, would have like to see the pub after all these years.

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