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jennyjoan | 21:18 Fri 21st Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What one THING would you have liked to have achieved in any kind of a way - maybe I will allow you TWO things. ie musical, acting, anything - before you croak it. LOL

I'm off for a while but will be back. See Ya - wouldn't wanna be ya.


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Slappie - treaty of versailles didnt break down ....

shoulda retired early and done the math degree I always wanted to do

I mean I didnt achieve alot of things because I wouldnt damn well practise. In others i wouldnt practise on top of having no talent....
Really...... then why did the WW2 happen Versaillies should have prevented it but thats the whole point of the thesis argument not for AB on a Friday night....
so what is atalanta wanting to do a Phud in?
Celebrating my 200th birthday by winning the marathon.
I've no idea... Did piano to grade 7, guitar to grade 5 and swapped to electric. Don't know what else. What about you, conne?
I would like to have played the uilleann pipes. I'd have carried them to Santiago and outpiped the Galacian pipers there.
just a pipe dream, really
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I would have liked to have been a professional entertainer - everything dancing, acting and singing would have been wonderful for me.

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oh and playing an instrument pro too.
Didn't the Versailles Treaty carry within it the seeds of its own destruction? Reparations that beggared Germany were never going to pave the way towards a lasting peace.
I suppose that's a reason for saying it didn't break down, sandyRoe, it went ahead and beggared Germany as planned.
The Americans, at least, learn the lesson of Woodrow Wilson's mistakes. After WW11 they lavished dollars on the defeated, via the Marshall Plan, while at the same time beggaring their strongest ally, the UK.
I'd loved to have been able to play the old Joanna. We always had one in the house when I was growing up. My Mum, Dad and sister could all play but I was useless. I took ONE lesson and discovered I wasn't Winifred Atwell so gave up. I never wanted to LEARN the piano, I just wanted to immediately PLAY the thing!
versaillies fell apart becuase the french were overly greedy, if Foch had given then a chance to rebuild their country we may never have seen the rise of Hitler and WW2 might never have happened

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