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Georgiesmum | 21:49 Fri 21st Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Do you eat a lot of chocolate? How much do you eat in an average week?
Be honest now! lol


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Sometimes 2 squares a week, sometimes none.
You would be safe to leave your chocolate with me.
Finished my Easter Egg a couple or weeks ago.
Trish and I are both chocoholics,a tin of roses or a bar of dark of chocolate lasts about as long as a snowball in hell,so we try not to buy chocolate as we'd spend too much time making sure the other one cant steal the last goody.
The Mexicans have recipes that include chocolate. Best of both worlds, chocolately and savoury
I eat more than I should but I only like really good quality choccies. My favourites are Fortnum and Mason Champagne Truffles. Oooh yumsy.
Later this week, I'm off to Bruges for a couple of days so I'll stock up on choccies then. Some of them may even get back to Britain with me !

Does this count?

Chris, I bought myself four bottles earlier today, I'm gonna try a bottle in a while.
If I have chocolates, I stuff them in till they're gone, but could easily live without them. I really like savoury dishes made with chocolate..think cocoa rather than dairy milk.
Sometimes I'll eat two chocolate bars in a day, then I won't have any for months. chocolate is rather overrated.
Georgiesmum, I'm in danger of raiding a box of chocs, I blame you :-)
I did say on your other thread that I eat 2 family bags of Maltesers a week but that's all (although I suppose that's too much).
I stopped buying maltesers because I would be the same, I can easily eat two family bags, probably over two evenings..or even one evening. And I'm not particularly fond of chocolate.
That's the thing, I open a bag, leave it in the fridge and grab a handful every time I open the door. The level goes down rather quickly.
Daily 8oz slab of Cads but theyre mostly nuts ;)

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