The Scots kept their £1 pound note so why did the English not keep theirs?Don't you think it would be easier when sending away quiz monies to use one instead of 'sellotaping' a coin to the quiz sheet? I'm sure the quizzers would find it a lot easier.
Mamya, the 20p coins sounds ok but I'd worry about the weight of the envelope. I'll check it out soon. I do feel silly writing cheques for only £1 and wonder what they think at the bank so I don't do it too often. I was thinking there must be an easier way.
Oh yes,it weighs more but as they are half the thickness and spread the length of the envelope the whole thing is slimmer - as a side issue since I started this method hardly any have been stolen as opposed to when I used pound coins.
Can the quiz not give a bank account and sort code? then you can just transfer the cash ( £1 and up) instantly and free by using online banking from your PC /Laptop/ or phone.
If I did not have a cheque book how would I pay my milkman?
He submits a monthly bill and we have never seen each other.
A crossed cheque, inside a small finds bag tucked into an empty bottle is my present mode of paying.