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Your Fantasy Gadget

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hc4361 | 12:37 Fri 07th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
I wish somebody would invent a silent gadget that removes all the dust from the house before it even has a chance to settle. I loathe dusting.

What would be the best ever invention for you?


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I'm hoping to make a fortune by designing a device which will enable parents to sell their children's excess energy to the National Grid.
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Great idea - wire your kids up to the Grid :)
A tele - porter that removes him and the kids for a few hours every day.
Gness, I have terrible problems with duvet covers. Need to stand on the bed to shake duvet into cover. Only a Double!
Daisy...Vulcan's tip is helping but my I'm small and my arms just won't stretch to shake the duvet out.....even if I do it by sections....x
I have a terrible Duvet as well... there is no waking me once nestled into it, its that comfy.
Try getting the top corner of the duvet into the cover - then put a peg on it -
work across to the other corner - pegging as you go. Then it's easy to just pull the cover down and fasten at the bottom. It works for me.
Something which removes my refuse and recycling (already sorted) to their respective bins (live in 1st floor flat) and moves said bins to the kerb on designated day(s).
A spray to squirt on my ex's christmas card so that when he opens it, he suddenly remembers how much he loves me and wants me back.

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