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EcclesCake | 19:46 Tue 02nd Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
When, if ever, did you last encounter a stripagram?

I thought they had all been pensioned off but have been surprised to find someone suggesting getting one as a surprise for the birthday boy. Rarely has my gob been so smacked!


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I agree - I thought the female variety had pretty much been pensioned off - although the Chippendalogram seems to be alive and (er) wiggling?
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It was a rolypolygram that was being proposed.

If I think about it anymore I might lose my lunch :-(
Not seen one for years,at one time it seemed like you couldn't go into a pub at the week end without encountering a naked lady.
You can picture the scene......

Stripagram turns up; dances to music; peels of clothes all to great humour, whistles and applause.

Whips out baby to feed 'au naturel' whilst she is in a state of preparedness....and offence and embarrassment immediately breaks out.....LoL
Or offers "drop of milk in yer tea, luv?"
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Thanks for that image JTH......

I now have Patricia the Stripper as this evenings ear worm :-(
That's my favourite CdB song, that is.......LoL
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Best line ever written....

To a round of applause she whipped of her drawers...'

Almost beats Roals Dahl and Red Riding Hood whipping a pistol from her knickers....

I am not obsessed with guns and underwear......honest!
You have a favourite CDB song? lol
To be fair, Talbot, it's actually the *only* CdB song I like.....:o)
I thought they'd all been consigned to the last century.

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