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erm whiskey ron - men can conceal knives and guns without wearing a burqa

Altho ' I agree in the Algerian campaign 1958-62 women were habitually used to ferry arms.
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/// What is it that you've not heard of before? The bit about not wearing uniform to/from work, or the bit where the police were called in to be given a briefing. ///

No problem about them not wearing their uniform to and from work, that seems perfectly sensible.

But the latest information seems to be a bit sketchy and has been altered from last night.

It was said last night that the police had been called in from their patrols, but didn't say for how long, this is what earlier today made me post this thread.

Was it right to have no police on patrol, even though they are now saying that it was just for a briefing?

Don't you think that those about to go out on their shift would of course been briefed as they are always, and those out on patrol could have been informed of any threat via their radios.

At the moment the police are playing their cards close to their chests, and not giving us all of the facts, also wise before anyone takes me up on that point.
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I wonder what precautions the West Midlands police will take if they receive a 999 call from a predominant Muslim area?
Your last question is a very good one aog
During ww2 all German & Italian civilians & other potential enemies living in this country were interned. What should we be doing with regard to potential enemies of the state now ?
The police are now questioning a 31 year old man in relation to these threats.

Without supporting corroboration, I find it extremely difficult to believe that every single copper was called back from the streets for reasons of safety. It just doesn't feel right.

I'm not saying it didn't happen...just that it feels incredibly strange. If there were a specific threat, then surely it would have been radioed to officers?

Also, what about officers attending emergencies? Would they have been called back too?

And when they arrived back at the station, would they have been kept there for their own safety?

The more I think about it, the more holes appear...
By the way - I have sadly reached the conclusion that 7/7 is absolutely not the last terrorist attack we will see, and that Lee Rigby is absolutely not the last innocent whose blood will be spilled on mh streets by monsters whose mothers should've aborted before they were born.

As with the Hyde Park bombing back in the 80s - I acknowledge that there are fanatics who will go to whatever lengths for their 'cause'.
As ever I'm perplexed as to why you have to question what would have been a routine SOP in light of information received in the current high alert security status.
Officers were recalled briefly back to stations in order to be updated and briefed. Nothing unusual in that. Get over it.

Who? Me?

Was only trying to answer AOG's post!
Apologies sp, no, I was responding to AOG's post to me earlier in the day.
An arrest has been made:
When are you talking about?

Because at the height of the terrorist attacks in England, I or none of my comrades were ever told not to wear our uniforms in fact it was encouraged.
Seriously AOG? What were you serving in, because throughtout the 80's and into the 90's neither I nor any of my colleagues EVER wore our uniforms/head dress outside barracks, it was an offence contrary to Standing Orders to do so, unless required as part of active duty.
Anyone 'popping into town' etc whilst based in UK during that period had to remove their head dress and wear a plain civilian jacket over their shirt/jumper.

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