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Did The Rspca Intervene To Have The Chimp Question Pulled?

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sandyRoe | 17:44 Tue 09th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
From what I saw of it I thought it amusing.


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Was there money and or publicity involved for them? If no, I highly doubt it.
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I was trying to swing the proposal away from real animals by offering to don my chimp suit again but to no avail.
Ya little monkey you ;-)

tamaris- Sandy's referring to a post in A&N that's now been removed :-)
The scary thing is that some people do think that Chimps are cute. Baby ones start off cute but the adults are really quite dangerous.

I have a fertile and, sometimes, manic imagination. But that is not a question that I could have made up - it was really quite funny.

The dragons on the aeroplane one is one that I could believe is possibly true. I have heard some weird stories about why a girl can't name the father of her child.

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Tamaris, someone posted asking where she might hire a chimp for a children's party. Adult chimps are surly, ill-tempered, creatures and so I offered to play the role. There was mention of a considerable fee.
i don't think the dragons were on the plane, the dragons were in shagaluff
someone who has just come onto AB & reading this is going to be very confuzzled
I couldn't see why she didn't jump at Sandy's offer.......perhaps it was the beard.........☺
I'm with wolfy, I too find Chimps utterly terrifying. Think it was a David Attenborough programme where it showed them ambushing another species of monkey to kill and then subsequently eat- was bone chilling to see and it gave me nightmares- never been keen on 'em since!
Thanks guys x
I would have thought that a thread advertising your services to ladies for a considerable fee is more than likely to be removed, Sandy ☺
///I couldn't see why she didn't jump at Sandy's offer.......perhaps it was the beard.........☺///
or my kind offer to accompany him in a loincloth

Oh Lord!...The mind boggles.....☻
i can only assume that you are casting aspersions on sandy's outfit'm was going along quite nicely with Sandy's outfit....couldn't see why that wouldn't work.....until.................!!!!....☺
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We've got Tarzan, Chimp, who could we get to play Jayne?
I want to cat wrangle or cat tamer. Lions and Tigers.
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I'm sure in the old b&w films Tarzan had a toothless lion knocking about. Simba, was it called?
Tigers are cuter than lions and much nearer the nature and personality of our domesticated felines.

I read an article about some stupid American woman who had a 'pet' chimp. It attacked a bloke and ate bits of him - his fingers, buttocks and testicles were munched as delicacies.

Chimps seem to have many of the most aggressive and nasty (big words evade me at 02:30) traits of our own species. Chimps are much more powerful that we are. They are cute when babies.

Maybe I could hire my two mini black and white Tigers out for children's parties. Frankie is frightened of everything and would just hide - Merlin (who is no 'Lady') could eliminate a dozen children (or more) before we could stop her.

I am off to play with my Kindle and to turf Frankie off my/his bed.

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