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Ukip, It Never Rains But It Pours.

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sandyRoe | 19:01 Mon 08th Dec 2014 | News
25 Answers
BREAKING NEWS: UKIP suspends its General Secretary Roger Bird over allegations of "impropriety"

This from the MSN homepage.


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Well, it's hardly in the Rennard sphere is it?
For 'Breaking News' read minor half story that the BBC(surprise surprise) has decided to run with.
Another slow news day......
There is rather more to it than that. As you will see if u read about it
Like what? Someone may (or may not) have tried it on (or not) and got the knock back (or not) and dropped lucky (or not).
Unless of course you know something different, ichkeria?
Did anyone see the young lady being interviewed on Newsnight, last night?
Most amusing to see the Beeb reporter, desperately, trying to put damning words in her mouth. But despite her 'faux' outrage she wasn't picking up on his cues. (or knew he was talking botox and didn't want to get done for libel at a later date)
"There is rather more to it than that. As you will see if u read about it"

I have read about it - which is, rather obviously, how I've managed to form an opinion.

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