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Renault Scenic Megane Y Reg

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kia cat | 05:49 Tue 09th Dec 2014 | Motoring
4 Answers
Washer Jet problems. The front one give a pitiful trickle of water, while the rear screen works fine. Pump doesnt sound as powerful as it was. Any ideas please< thanks


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Try breaking a right-sized needle in half, stick the sharp end in a cork and use the blunt end to clear the jets. If that doesn't work replace the jets then the pump. Don't use a needle point-first. It will either get stuck or pierce a pipe.
00:34 Fri 12th Dec 2014
the nozzles sometimes get gunked up with dirt, also if you have let the washer run dry it has a habit of sucking up dirt from the bottom of the tank. try cleaning out the nozzles, if no joy you might need to buy a set, they are pretty cheap on ebay and fairly easy to fit
Many cars have separate pumps for the front and rear washers. I don't know about the Scenic but it could be that the front pump is on its way out.
The other possibility is that the washers are frozen - the tubing for the rear washers tends to be inside the car whereas the front tubing is more exposed.
There is a separate pump for the front washers, it may need replacing on a Y reg by now.
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Renault Scenic Megane Y Reg

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