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Where Can I Buy

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slinky.kate | 16:34 Sun 14th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
cream of tartare,to be used for baking,tried nevery supermarket and none selling it,is there a reason,Sister thinks it might have been used to make home made bombs,????


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Home made bombs????..What you doing, Kate?...Has someone upset you?..☺
16:36 Sun 14th Dec 2014
Tesco or Sainsburys
Home made bombs????..What you doing, Kate?...Has someone upset you?..☺
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gness,stop making me laugh,your a wee tonic.
-- answer removed --
Aw...thanks, Kate.....I had visions of you stirring a cauldron shouting....Bring me the cream of tartare!!!!!!
Better keep your heads down, MI6 is probably trying to trace everyone on this thread, you have probably triggered all their key word alarms!!!
Oh crikey, Kate....we'd better get the slap on...some of those MI6 guys are hot!
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gness,do you think they might like some mulled wine ????
Perfect, Kate....while we mull over our next step.......☺
I got some from Sainsburys last week
waitrose and tesco sell it. its in little pots in the baking bit.

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