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I Made It Through!

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Dizmo | 21:39 Thu 25th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Evening all.

I managed to go to the hospital to meet my step dad and then went to my brother and SiL's to spend time with the kids. I plated my Christmas dinner up as I didn't feel up to eating.

What have you all been up to today/this evening?


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DTC:Nah I'm not nibbling, I've vomited every bit of food I've put in my mouth day. I've not kept anything down since leaving the hospital. Still never the less, I got through the day.
well that is a victory, dizmo.....
They ought to have given you some anti sickness pills, Diz.
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Tonyav: They did, oral cyclizine. Unfortunately cyclizine only works IV or IM (intramuscular) so I can't have it at home. I know the injection is exactly the same of as the oral table however they just don't seem to work. I've also tried Ondanzatron, Domperidome and two other anti emetics - non seem to work :(
Bloody hell, so you can only have that in hospital then, Diz.
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Yeah, this is why I was fighting to stay in hospital.

My mum has been really supportive today, in fact all of the family have. She even offered to walk home and pick up the car so I could have a lift.

My family kept asking me if I was ok because I kept standing still and breathing deeply (it's one of my techniques to give me a little more time) to a point did vomit into my mouth :/

Oh well, swings and roundabouts, swings and roundabouts!
have spent the day with family and my new grand-daughter, pure joy :)
Glad you made it through, DizGiz...xx

I've had the oddest Xmas Day ever.....sympathising with the bereaved and caring for the sick......
Never been so flippin' sober by this time of night!

Who says life doesn't hold any surprises.....☺

You moan when you're in hospital and moan when they want you out, what do you want?
dixmo, I don't think using 4 different anti-emetics is a good idea, !!
Glad you made it Diz, try and relax now.
well done Diz, we're all here today having made it through and looking forward to getting over it all !!
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PankySmooch: I only moaned whilst in there because they weren't looking after me properly. I never wanted to be discharged because I'm still ill. I have to wait for an outpatients appointment - there is nothing the doctors can do. I've spoken to my GP and they said to ring the hospital ward and ask them for advice which is what I did. They just asked me to increase my lansoprazole - which I also did.

I'd been advised to take 2 anti-emetics at the same time. Cyclizine and Domperidone, not 4. Table cyclizine doesn't work, only IV or IM works (I know they are the same drug but they just don't work orally).
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The Ondanzatron and the other 2 anti emetics I was given in hospital (orally and by IV), neither had any effect apart from Ondanzatron which made be feel sick.

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