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Happer Birthday Ratter!

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Ann | 01:41 Sun 28th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Have a great birthday x


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Have a great day Ratter x
♫♪ Happy birthday to you ♫♪
Have a great day, ratter.
To my darling man - a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so proud to be your fiance and so proud to share your life with you! I always though there would never be a man as caring, loving, funny and wonderful as my father. But, then you found me and I discovered my rock, my love and my best friend! I love you darling and wish you many, many more Happy Birthdays in good health and happiness! XXX
^^^lovely words from carakeel.
Happy birthday Ratter...and many,many more. x
happy birthday xx
Happy birthday Ratter.
happy happy birfday xx

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