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cupid04 | 16:29 Mon 29th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Ursula Andress is about to walk out of the sea in that bikini...3.30 ITV1!!!


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I'm still waiting, has she come out of the sea yet ???
Ursula Andress ? - I've seen better looking examples of the female species on Jeremy Kyle
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Not yet chaptazbru...He hasn't got to Crab Quay yet...
Thanks cupid, she'll have to be quick, going out soon !
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Its on now....
Ah there she is !
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You can go out with a smile on your face now ;-)
Ha ha.
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Just seen a blooper....bloke with Bond shouting through loud hailer...he then drops it but his voice still sounds like he's talking through the loud-hailer!
Pshaw... Ursula? Sort of nice... but nothing ever has or ever will match this:

Well... at least it was a sincer effort...

Try this:

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try again...
Just really like the accent !
Never mind her Sean would've suited me fine in those days,
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I'd have liked Christopher Plummer in his day...okay, okay I know he's not a James Bond but he looked lovely as Captain Von Trapp!

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