Trying to access my yahoo mail and it comes up with security certificate issues. Either it takes me to a page that says close this web page due to security certificate issues or IF it takes me into my mail there's a bar at the bottom saying, "Internet Explorer blocked this website displaying content with security certificate issues". Wonder if anyone else experiences this sort of thing? Desk top OS is Win 8 and Internet Explorer 10.0.9200 if that helps. Thanks in advance for any advice.
As Methyl indicates, the most common cause of security certificate problems is an incorrectly set clock. (If it's wrong, right-click on it to access the option to adjust it)
Thanks for your answers methyl and Chris, clock was ok but didn't check that until day after as I hadn't seen your answers until then. Since I posted the question, the problem hasn't arisen again....(yet). So if it does I will follow your instructions and see if that is the answer. Many thanks for your help.