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Reopening Old Threads

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stuey | 20:16 Mon 12th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Would it be a good idea that if someone responds to an older thread, thus in essence reopening it, that the thread goes to the top of the page of its Topic?


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If it is over a month old it won't appear in latest posts - unless it has special dispensation as afforded only by Ed.
A lot of very old threads are targetted by spammers so not sure it is a good idea.
totally misread and therefore misunderstood your question Stuey -apologies.
You and me both Mamya!
The only way at the moment would be to provide a link. I agree it is not an ideal situation, stuey.
I can think of a few occasions where the advice given could still be relevant months or even years later - but many where it would not.

Interesting point though.
Finding old threads is in inverse proportion to the number of pops ingested.

No 1 Rule of Irish Editors.
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It's not a big deal really; however, the reason I mentioned it is that this other site I frequent (to do with clocks obviously:)) reopens the thread in this fashion when someone adds to it even if the thread is a year or so old.
Cold got to your brain stuey?put on the new parka we can't cope with new ideas
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Nothing stimulates the brain more than a stroll in -31C weather, wired. You should try it sometime:)
My thoughts exactly stuey.

And to add to that, I think when you have answered to a question, and gone back to the thread, it should go to your last answer, instead of having to scroll through.
That one's been proposed so many times, trt - it's so annoying to open on p1 when you want to see the last answer on p4
If the problem is to do spammers, then I don't see it makes much odds. A post removal ought to push it back where it was again, as the last allowed post has a date to define position.

If a spammer posts to an old thread and it comes to the top then their handiwork isn't going to last any longer than if they make a new thread, or use an existing recent thread.

If they use an old thread and it doesn't come to the top, their handiwork may not be noted by admin, and yet it then remains popping up in related questions for months/years to come.
Didnt realize that boxy, lets all put pressure on Sir Ed!
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I also think that the Crosswords and the Puzzles sections should have their own "Most Recent Thread" heading.

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