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Expensive Perfume

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atalanta | 14:48 Sun 11th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
How do you get the last tenner'sworth of perfume out of the bottom of the bottle of wildly expensive perfume when the squirty-thing ceases to squirt it ?


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With great difficulty
take out the squirty thing and tip to dab on finger
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The squirtything is fixed with a sort of metal crimp to the glass of the neck of the bottle. Any more ideas ?
Contact manufacturer maybe
atalanta, try removing the metal crimp with a small pair of pliars. With a bit of twisting and pulling the crimp should ease off.
as guillie says ..I prise them off with knife or something
Hold it upside down and squirt it? That's what I do with spray-on Deodorant...
atalanta -try and get the metal cuff off with pliers. Having an obsession with widly expensive perfume I've done this numerous times but you have to be prepared to smell delicious for a few days as the perfume soon goes off when the air can get to it.I bought a small travel spray from boots to decant small amounts into after the tops had been prised off.
Maybe punch an hole in the metal top with a nail or similar.
you should able to buy something like an eye dropper from the chemist, I think its called a pipette or something like that, cheaply I would think.
Be careful. Some of these solutions sound potentially dangerous to me.
Your only answer IMO is to get the clip off somehow and transfer the contents into something else, an atomiser probably.
Problems, problems, problems!
Or you can just accept you wont get the very last drops out without injuring yourself and go and treat yourself to a new bottle!!
Buy a package without the squirter?
Sneaky marketing ploy by makers of expensive perfumes !!
Try putting the metal squirty part under hot running water. Worked for me!
-- answer removed --
Bin it and buy another bottle - go on, you're worth it!

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Expensive Perfume

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