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TWR | 08:30 Wed 21st Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Just curious, do you know many Ozzi's out there that use The Answerbank?


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All Australians I should think Mrs O. xx
Lol Jan...
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Sydney / Mount Druitt ( Brother lived there) Brisbane, we hired a camper 2 years ago & went up North, I was there to see my Remaining brother, he died in Bris Hospital, It was expected very bad health problems, I was very Lucky we were there at that time, the people we met on our travels were very helpful.
Lived in Sydney myself until 2000, then made a "tree change".
Most Aussies are pretty laid back TWR.
North coast Qld is a great place to visit.
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I underestimated the Length of our Journey with stopping places, I wanted to get to Cairns, but with the time we had it did not happen, what are the Aus's views on the UK? I asked this Q a few times, I dare not put the Honest replies I had, but they were right, Prime Minister Bob come to mind?
This is a big place TWR, takes a long drive to get from one end to the other.
What are Aussies views on the UK?
I don't really know, I was born over there but been here for a long time.
Lots of young people here want to visit the UK so I guess there is some interest.
Personally what I read in the news and religion section of AB turns me off ever visiting my home country, although the pictures I see of the UK make me think the opposite.
Mount Tamborine in Brisbane is beautiful & cooler than the lowlands; less spiders too. Son drove from MT to baking hot Perth in 4days last year.

Neice runs a restuarant in MT & sis broadcasts jazz on Hope Radio, Brizzy. 1 bruv in Melbourne & other in Perth. We skype regularly.

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