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Two Questions

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magpie | 01:00 Mon 09th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
1, is i more hygienic to wash clothes inside out?
2, does a battery weigh more when charged? i.e. phone batteries


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I wash my clothes and linen inside out, only because the fluff wont cling to the outside and hanging them out on the clothesline, if a bird should pass, they won't squirt on the outside of my garments
I'd have thought squirting on the inside was worse actually.'s easier rinse off without noticing - once you have another garment between you and the one the bird squirt on, there's no problem:)
Thank you Mamyalynne..that's the word I was looking for ha
and on the second Q....I doubt it :))
1) I never turn mine inside out, never have done.I always thought the main reason people turned their washing inside out was so the sun didnt fade the garment when its hanging on the washing line.
2) I wouldnt have thought so.

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