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'scud' Came Up Earlier Today As A Crossword Answer.

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sandyRoe | 14:21 Mon 09th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Here in NI it's also a slang word for a jinx. Does it have the same meaning elsewhere?


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Scud in western Scotland means naked
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The only scud I know is the missile.
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It must be local, then.
Also used at sea, meaning been blown along by the wind
I know it as a verb, not a noun
me too.
I'm with Slapshot on this.
Chambers Dictionary gives, "scud", Scots, noun. "A state of nudity".
Scud means naked (" in the scud")and also it means a speeding cloud borne by strong gales force winds. "The clouds are scudding today..."
'Scud' has had a long standing, albeit 'cloudy' (pun partially intended), application in the world of aviation, i.e. "Scud Running".

Scud running is the often soon to produce fatal results, of inexperienced pilots who are not rated to fly in instrument conditions but continue into lowering skies until they are forced to enter the clouds... the end of the flight is usually sudden and disasterous.

Our National Weather Service, here in the U.S. officially defines "scud" as "...Small, ragged, low cloud fragments that are unattached to a larger cloud base and often seen with and behind cold fronts and thunderstorm gust fronts. Such clouds generally are associated with cool moist air, such as thunderstorm outflow..."
Here in Yorkshire it means... Good
A scuddy book = nudie book
In the scud = naked
It also means to slap or to hit with a glancing blow. Chambers.
An old joke: What does an Iraqi get in his under pants?
Scud marks!

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