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Whooping Cough

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lindapalmara | 20:15 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
Has anyone ever had whooping Ciough or know any adult who has? At the Grand old age of 67 I was diagnosed with it last night although the blood test I had this morning should confirm it. I'm gobsmacked! It started the day we finished a cruise and there wee a lot of people coughing on it! I'm gobsmacked. Have to stay indoors until I have finished a course of antibiotics in 5 days when I am no longer infectious but I believe it can last weeks.


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I had it as an adult about 20 years ago now. I was off work for 6 weeks with it. It was pretty ghastly. I couldn't stop coughing....that was the worst of it. I also felt lousy and at one point developed a rash. I had at least two lots of antibiotics. I eventually went back to work even though I was still feeling washed out as I didn't think staying at home was going to get...
11:31 Sat 21st Feb 2015
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Will that make me better then Hypo?

Yep. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections.

I forgot to mention that what Docs are aiming to do by giving them to someone with a viral condition is to reduce the patient's risk of contracting secondary infections, while their immune system is preoccupied.

Get well soon!

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Whooping Cough

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