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Angela Merkel

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Caran | 01:17 Tue 24th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Has she been elected leader/spokesman of the EU? I thought all countries were in on an equal footing. How come she can demand things of Greece?
Maybe I have missed something though.


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Merkel was President of the European Council in 2007 and still carries some clout - what's she done now Caran?
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She was demanding Greece do various things with their economy and saying SHE would not stand for it. It just struck me what actual clout she had.
Interesting - I found this link a few hours ago. Have you got a link to her demands? Sounds a bit much.
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No I haven't Mamya, I heard it on the radio and thought that seems a bit much.
She must be a bit peeved after Greece asked for compensation for the 1939 - 1945 conflict.
She's got the money ....

Greece's international debt is either 240 bn or 650 bn
you know around a half a trillion euros = lots and most of the debt notes are held by the Germans.

The Germans previously advanced lots on the grounds that Greece could not default and all the Greeks did was pocket it and ask for more

I mean the Greeks dont even pay tax for chrissakes

and not surprisingly the Germans are saying this must end...

cue your question
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I'm not defending the Greeks at all. It just struck me how come she was demanding things of the Greeks. Did she have the right to do this?
It seems to be part of the German psyche. I'm surprised she hasn't already annexed the Sudetenland and marched into Poland. And people have the nerve to call Thatcher bossy!
when did shame from Rosa Clebb ?
sorry typo error I meant when did she change her name from Rosa Clebb ?
The Germans are footing the largesse of the financial bill so I think that she should have a say about letting more money go into that rathole economically called Greece.
D.C want's to learn from this woman, he will never be in the same class.

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Angela Merkel

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