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How Do You Say...............

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Barsel | 11:02 Fri 27th Mar 2015 | Phrases & Sayings
11 Answers
'I'm still learning' in Spanish and who was the famous person who said it? Many thanks. x


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from another site: ( geofc)

I like "sigo aprendiendo" = "I continue to learn" because happily I do.

which striked me as OK

as a pinch who said it - I would try Picasso
altho he did say of himself - "at 16 (he) could paint like Raphael"
Was it Beckham said it?

I know the past tense of strike is struck
or gareth bale?
the S and D keys are neighbours on the keyboard. An easy error to make
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Take no notice sandyroe. I've been asked by a neighbour to ask this here and he said he thought it would be a historical figure. x
Michelangelo but would he have said it in Spanish
//Michelangelo but would he have said it in Spanish //
and did he whisper it into the ear of his .... boyfriend ?
Question Author
Thanks to Brinjal and Mamya, will pass that on to my neighbour.
PP you are naughty, but I like you. :-) x
Naughty peter

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