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2sp_ | 16:22 Sat 19th Oct 2013 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
My FIL has just been diagnosed with diabetes (Type 2). He's currently in hospital with a blood infection (that's how they discovered the diabetes), so I'm still not up to speed with what he can and can't eat.

I was wondering if he can have sugar substitutes, like the sweetener granules you see in the sugar aisle in the supermarket?

I'd like to bake the old goat some biscuits to cheer him up, but don't really want to kill him.


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Don't go over the top with diet with Type 2 diabetes.
As long as he avoids sugary drinks or fruit juice, then all that will be required of him is to eat the same as he did before diabetes, but less of it.
Question Author
Thanks Sqad. He has a terrible sweet tooth, and is overweight.

Maybe I should just make the usual biscuits I do but mini versions for him.
will he be on diet controled od insulin?
LOL...that would be a good idea. They will give him a diet sheet on discharge, but basically, as I have said, small amounts of the usual and more often if he is peckish. Almost certainly he will be on tablets to control his blood sugar.
google slimming world cakes and sweets, they do fantastic alternatives for those with a sweet tooth like low cal ferror rocher - you make them all yourself, I made a no fat no flour chocolate cake and it was brill really hit the spot
Ginger biscuits, I'm told.
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peal, we're not sure how it will be treated. At the moment, in hospital, he's on insulin injections but this could change to tablets once the blood infection has cleared apparently.
While they are stabilising his diabetes, it might be best to ask on the ward what you can bring him. Once he's stable and so on then he can have a little of what he fancies.
Steer well clear of anything marked 'diabetic foods' in supermarkets, boots, or anywhere else. They're over priced and no better for a diabetic than ordinary food stuffs. His dietician will tell him..and you and the family..all you need to know about what he can and can't have. Sugar substitutes are great for someone who usually has sugar in tea or coffee but some 'diabetic' foods are sweetened with stuff which can cause diarrhoea and which also have to be included in the carb count.
Bake him ordinary biscuits but just give him one or two of them, you won't kill him :)
no ethandron, it won't kill him but sugar dense food, even a little, will make it more difficult to get the blood sugars stable, which won't help the infection or speed discharge.
As ethandron says, best to steer clear of specialist diabetic foods, apart from being more expensive, they sometimes contain a sugar substitute which can cause "the runs" when taken in large quantities. If you look around good bookshops or online you can find some good diabetic cookbooks as well. Diabetes UK is a good source of information too but the diabetes team at your FIL's hospital should give him all the information he needs and I'm certain the dietician will advise him of the foods to eat and to steer clear of. Basically, it's a really good healthy diet, not too much in the way of carbs and sugars. Things have improved since my daughter was diagnosed, more than 20 years ago, nowadays there are so many sugar free foods available, than there was back then.
go to
lot of info on there from fellow diabetics
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Thanks everyone for all your really helpful answers. I had read that diabetic foods were a waste of money and can actually cause problems.

It will mean a change of lifestyle for him, so I'm off to look for diabetic cookbooks to ease the pain!

I'll check out the diabetic website, thank you millerxxx
How old is FIL?
Question Author
Mid 50s, sqad.
LOL...OK, then i agree he IS due for a lifestyle change.

If he was over 70, then my attitude and response may have been different.
Diabetes (DM), generally known as diabetes, is really a number of metabolic illnesses by which you will find higher glucose levels over the continuous time period. Diabetes is an illness in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Like two weeks right after hair transplant right into a diabetes computer mouse, human being pancreatic ß tissues produced in Invisalign generate sufficient insulin (green) to heal the dog. You can control your diabetes through Ayurvedic diabetes medicine.
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