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My Boy

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masma | 23:05 Mon 06th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Yes he's 44 and I know I'm being silly but I do miss him.


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hi masma. how long is his treatment for ?
Hope I'm not missing something, but why do you miss him?
Hiya masma, where is your boy ?. It's only natural for a mom ( and dad ) to miss their kids when there not around no matter what age they are.
Doesn't matter how old they are - always our children.
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Anne he's in for another week at least. I don't know if it'll help but fingers crossed.
Sherrardk - my son is an alcoholic, the dearest soul ever but just has this heartbreaking illness, he's now in rehab.
Ah right I see, masma. How long has he been in rehab ?.
have you had any contact with him masma ? am I right in thinking this is the first time he has been in a residential setting ?
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Just a week Tony, can't see that this will do any good but we can only hope.
Sorry to hear that, my heart bleeds for you – we'd all do anything to stop our kids suffering. Hope things turn out ok, x
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Yes Anne phoned him yesterday, he rang me 3 days in and was really 'out of it' He's happy to be there and determined to make it work.
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Yes Anne, residential. They rang me on his first day to reassure me, it seems like a fabulous place.
Fingers crossed for you and your boy that it works, masma.

How far away from you is the rehab place ?.
what more can you do masma, I know you have stood by him for so many years , even when you were being told not to. I wonder if this is ' his time' to stop destroying his life, and yours and hubbies. no doubt your house seems so quiet. I will say a prayer/and send best wishes to you all, don't forget there is always someone on AB to talk to. take care, keep us posted, anne. and a wee hug for grandson :)
Oh, Masma....I do feel for you when you talk about your boy......I wish him well and really hope this treatment will work for him...and for you all....Gx

hello masma

you have said that he is determined to make it work, so that already is a very good thing

i join the others here in wishing him a complete recovery, and the both of you enjoying life to the full again
The fact that "he's happy to be there and determined to make it work",is a positive sign. Hope he finds a good strength. x
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Thank you all for your good wishes, he's not allowed any visitors but I can ring him, will do that today.

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