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Wooden Shed Bases

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sacha.86 | 16:08 Mon 20th Apr 2015 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
Hiya, I'm wanting to buy this shed base but have no idea if they are any good or if they are easy to fit. Do you just level the floor put down the base and then build the shed? Media URL:


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There is a video here. They concrete the spikes in the earth, and they also have the shed base just off the earth (to reduce rotting I suppose) but I do not know if you need to do all that. You will need a long spirit level to check the base is level.
16:24 Mon 20th Apr 2015
Link does not work.,default,pd.html?cgid=D26M09G09C04

This one? Yes, just level the ground, lay base, put down shed floor and build up from there.
I notice your web site address begins with a "m" so it is the ASDA mobile site (you must be doing it on a tablet or smartphone)

The new link only partly works, but does show the text "Larchlap Shed Base for 6x4 sheds".

Is this the one (hope link works),default,pd.html
Try to leave a gap so hedgehogs can sleep under there :0)
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yep that's the one. Is it cheeper and easier than a concrete base and are they as effective? Worried it won't be as sturdy as a concrete one but if I pack the soil down as best I can should it be as good?
There is a video here. They concrete the spikes in the earth, and they also have the shed base just off the earth (to reduce rotting I suppose) but I do not know if you need to do all that.

You will need a long spirit level to check the base is level.
I've used this method many times for decking, and other platforms. Not only is it a lot easier than having to deal with masses of concrete, but it keeps the timber off the ground.

Having an airflow under the shed keeps it from rotting prematurely. Also, it means that the neighbourhood cats can crawl under to keep the vermin population down ;o)
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Thank you.

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Wooden Shed Bases

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