Sure I've asked b4, but forgot the reply. I've got an address book stored as a WKS file. In excel its gibberish and word even worse it converts into a zillion pages. What can I do to open it?
a wks file is a spreadsheet file created using microsoft works--u should be able to open it from within excel if u don't have works--have u tried running excel and going to file/open and finding ur wks file to open--also puzzled u have wks file if u don't have works unless it was created in excel and saved as a wks file or u transferred it from somewhere else
Have you tried opening Excel, File > open > and in the "Files of type" field under "File name" pull down a list which contains "Microsoft Works 2.0 Files (*.wks)?
It's possible to create a database in Works, so my guess is that the address book was created in this way. Try opening it with MS Access if you have it. Otherwise, try opening it with Works!!!