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car running

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fred1234 | 15:43 Wed 05th Apr 2006 | Motoring
9 Answers
how long can you leave a car runnning for until it runs out of petrol???


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Surely that depends on how much petrol there is in the tank to start with ;-)

Also depends on what sort of car it is and how large the tank! You won't get the correct answer until you ask a proper answer.
Sorry Question.
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that was the first number that came to mind......

It would probably overheat before running out of petrol.

quite a while. my signum said it was averaging 0.1 gallons/hour on tickover. I guess this is pretty approximate, but assuming this, a 12 gallon tank would last 120 hours = 5 days.

However, as the car would not be moving there may be a good chance of it overheating beforehand.

fred, enlighten me, please!!!!!! why leave a car running in that cicumstance? if you want to drain the tank there are way easier methods.and they don't harm the ozone.
yes please tell me as i have a full tank in a written off car and although the engine works i'm certainly not emptying it that way

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car running

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