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Eu Refugee Quotas To Be Proposed.

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Khandro | 07:21 Mon 11th May 2015 | News
54 Answers

What do you think of this? and is it only so bad in Libya for young males?


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v-e; If it sounded familiar, it's because Nigel Farage has been saying words to this effect for some time. That's why I and nearly 4 million others voted UKIP, and gained just one MP for our trouble.
No, Mushroom, although the (typically excellent) article you cite is completely relevant to the OP. It's the May 2nd edition I was referring to when Liddle was speculating on Miliband's (who he? - Ed) proposed blasphemy law. No relevance to the OP at all; I was just teasing Khandro.
Our quota can be disembarked on the Clydeport, as the SNP fought hard for Westminster involvement?
I like Liddle. Googled KMOWAF=nothing?
^What a good idea. :o)
That^ was to Tamborine - and I think V_E is speaking in code to Khandro. Perhaps best we can't decipher it. ;o)
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v-e; I haven't read any speccies for some time, mine are all in a pile waiting for me on a desk in Gloucestershire (along with an even larger pile of TLS's).
While hi-jacking the thread I should tell you that two 6th cent.BC poems have been discovered by Sapho, and various poet/scholar/translators have been having a bash at translations, the variations are quite amazing.
Thanx Naomi It makes sense as most migrants are fishermen & they will fit in perfectly ;)
Quotas! I am a compassionate person, I had to be by the job I previously done, I think the UK does enough to help throughout the world & it seems that we are the first to offer aid / help / support, how is it that you never ever seen the Country's Government offering their help? Do they? regards these Quotas & the EU, I think WE WILL be told how many to take like it or not, if this Government refuse are we in contempt? where the hell are these people going to live? work? Schools for the children, Health for these people when our NHS are at breaking point with what's going on in the UK now, are we compassionate? I think compassion starts with our own that use the food banks, that's been kicked out of the houses due to the Bedroom Tax, you can think / say / moan regards these SO called Quotas, We WILL be told how many we will take, like it or not, after all we take all the others don't we.
// where the hell are these people going to live? work? Schools for the children, Health for these people......//

well, the SNP have never made any secret of the fact that they will welcome incomers with open arms -

so tambo's suggestion would fit nicely with SNP policy.

V_E, thanks for the laugh. :o)

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