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Dee Sa | 08:29 Sat 23rd May 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
a daily Sqad progress report please ?


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he says he's going to give prudie a good spanking so he must be on the mend
He still lives !

( also the name of a good film with Jean Louis Tritignant, 1967
erm and I dont think Sqad stars in that one )

we know this much
He is in an non-NHS facility ..... prison perhaps
in a sunny clime .....Hispanic.......Mexico perhaps

and he is still trying to spank bottoms !

Hmm I would like to see the full viddie on that one.

anyway get well soon Sqad - and I hope they let you back into the UK !
Peter -someone need to tell you Sqad lives ABROAD is getting treated ABROAD because he lives ABROAD and has no intentions (I believe) of coming back to the UK and certain no intentions (I believe) of ever suffering the NHS ;-)
Retrochic - my experience of the NHS has been brilliant - I've never 'suffered' it.
hellywelly -you are very lucky then. I'm in the process of being tested /diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Privately ! got an appointment with the consultant in less than a week, NHS appointment - 3 months waiting list (despite having paid into the NHS for over 30 years).
I was just going to ask how he was - so yes,please to a daily report for a while. Glad he sounds to be getting back on form!
He'll probably log on and let everyone know it was no big deal however not for Mrs Sqad was it :-) He has been let home but needs a lot of care from his wife - an unenviable task, I understand he's a grumpy and difficult patient who won't do as he's told. I hope he regains enough strength to give someone a spanking.
For the record he lives in Menorca and they both have nothing but praise for the Spanish medical services, not something I think he's said about the NHS.
Mrs Sqad must be an angel, or have the patience of a saint. I don't think men make good patients, and old and male retired doctors will be just about be too much for any human female to cope with.

Sqad - I hope that you are feeling back to normal soon.

awww Mrs Sqad should give him his lappy so he can badger us ;)

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