Not a truely quiet, as in whisper, Lonnie. We have two here and, being gasoline powered (petrol) engine driven, they have a level of sound that is distracting. The engines are usually around 5 to 10 horsepower, depending on the Watt output. Of course, we are glad to live with the inconvenience during a blizzard cause power outage...
Thanks for your replies answers, I was looking for an option other than laying cable, because i'd have to dig up my borders, and after getting it just right, its something I didn't want to do.
In the absence of any other answers I'll offer a view. The way I've seen this done before is to put a sound-absorbing shield around it - with the exhaust poking through. Go round the back of the Bouncy Castle at the next fair you go to and it will be encased in straw bales or similar.
I think buildersmate's auggestion would work, except that, the engine driving the generator is air cooled. It would be important to make the enclosure big enough or have other means of assuring air circulation for cooling... in my opinion.