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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 22:58 Sat 13th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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Evening Mamya x.
We have a winner
Evening all x
Good evening lovelies ;) 2 for the price of 1 here. Just woken from 1.5hr sofa-kip.....:)

x x
Evening Bathsheba, you love your sofa kips. You must have a very comfy one. x
No Barsel....actually it's only a titchy 2-seater, lol :D 'Ere,..guess what...I married me telly up to Youtube this morning!! Soooo proud of myself :D Mind you, as you know, I am a techy genius, pmsl!!

x x
Saturday I where I should be?
You really are a techno genius Baths. I got a Blu Ray player ages ago and you can watch You Tube through that - if you know how to, which I don't :-) xx
Is that PW singing Mick? Doesn't sound like him......has he re-invented himself? Again? Just to change subject completely,.....Knighthood for Van the Man? Nowty old git ;) Did some great songs though

x x
Lol Barsel :D x x
It's him, Baths. I think he may have stopped smoking at long last.
I really like this one ...
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Hi all.x
Hi Mamya, are you back? ;)
Talbot,.....that was truly terrible!! Sounds like a Eurovision Song Contest entry!! Get a grip man ;)
Btw, have mail on FB....:p

x x

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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