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Do You Ever Take A Look?

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PankySmooch | 22:52 Thu 25th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
For the non believers.....Whenever a latest post comes up about God or Jesus on the Religion & Spirituality section do you take a look just to see what they are talking about?

I do and


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I do and I'm lost!
I never know whether to laugh or cry when I read the posts from believers!

I nearly wrote 'questions' instead of 'posts' there but that would be inaccurate. Goodlife, for example, always words his submissions as questions but does anyone here really believe that he's actually seeking any answers to them? He clearly believes that he knows all of the answers already!
It's funnier than the jokes section at times, only surpassed by the Global Warming Fundamentalists!!
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I do but I tend to skim past certain peoples answers.
Good life stands like a puny David, armed with nothing more than his faith, and faces the ungodly Goliath's who haunt the corridors of R&S. It is a heartwarming sight.
Yes, and as soon as I see Goodife's name as the Original Poster then I'm outta there pretty sharpish.
no. I know exactly what everyone's going to say. You don't get debate in there, just restatement of positions; a robot could do it. It's not a section where anyone has doubts.
Occasionally I'll take a look to see if all the unbelievers continue to 'foam at the mouth'.
No not now. Same as jno, it's the same thing all the time. I've been on this site over 10 years and nothing's changed, including my beliefs.
That's one category I never think of going in.

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